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Family Therapy

Family Therapy

Therapies are a way of communicating valuable words and knowledge through physical sessions. It is contrary to what you observe in other regular treatments. Therapies involve communication sessions to learn about what patients have to say and the therapist then uses this information to predict possible solutions. 


What is Family Therapy? 

Family Therapy is a session that a therapist organises to deal with family issues. In contrast to other therapies i.e Cognitive behavioural therapy, Dialect behavioural therapy and couple therapy, family therapy involves an entire family, a step-family, and in some cases, an extended family. The purpose of such therapy involves dealing with family issues such as communication, solving past and current issues within it, and dealing with incidents such as tragedies. In essence, the purpose of this therapy is to ensure the entire necessary family sits together and exhales their words and issues. 


A therapist gives valuable freedom to each member of the family and notes remarks from each one of them. After a necessary number of sessions, the therapist then uses these remarks to predict and depict solutions. In most cases, therapists continue to provide solutions in chunks at each session that ensures the family heals better over time. One great benefit of having family therapy is that the entire family comes to a certain solution by exploring each other. And this helps great mentally. 

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What is a Family Therapist?

A family therapist is a therapist that specialises in dealing with family issues. Such a therapist experiences engaging with the entire family in times of trouble. Therapist has the expertise in solving family problems using various methods such as devising techniques, making therapy plans, and scheduling sessions regarding the therapy. 

In essence, a family therapist does not have to be only a therapist. They can be any such as:

Moreover, a family therapist can go the extra mile while treating a single patient. Often, a patient is found to be suffering from a family matter. In such cases, the family therapist involves other members of the family to find the root cause of the issue. Hence, a family therapist, upon necessity, can convert individual therapy to family therapy. 

What Does a Family Therapist do? 

Family therapists have the sole responsibility of treating an issue that a family is facing. As explained above, the issues can be various such as the incident that the family is going through or a conflict of past or present. In all cases, therapists have this duty to engage with the entire family, find their side of the story, and devise solutions for this. Mostly, therapists also act to cool down the air in case of internal conflicts and tussles between a couple and family.

However, this is not the only approach of a family therapist. One common way of undergoing therapy sessions is to have a one-on-one interaction. This is mostly when family members are facing internal conflicts. Also, in some cases, a family therapist deals with a single person and then engages with the family when necessary. A core duty of a family therapist must be to arrange seminars and sessions of family awareness. 

Issues That Can Be Helped with Family Therapy/ What are the Benefits of Family Therapy

We are now moving to the primary part of family counseling in London. Therapies happen to be a great way of treating mental issues. Through communication, it becomes easier for patients to release mental stress and anxiety. And this helps a therapist to conclude solutions. However, many people question what such family therapy in London can solve.

  • Financial issues trouble the behavior of family members and draw borderlines easily. Family counseling is an easy way to deal with such troubles.

  • Some family members undergo substance usage. And family counsellors use substantial techniques to get them relieved of these habits. 

  • Often a family runs through deep grief that requires adequate family counseling to bring members out of depression. 

  • Chronic illness is another major reason that counselling is effective in such cases to bring calmness to the atmosphere. 

  • Parents’ separation is a major setback for children and parents alike. A good therapy plan can bring easiness, especially among children. 

  • Poor and stiff behaviour among family members transfers to children and other members. Proper counselling brings a feeling of harmony and affection to all.


When to Consult a Family Therapist in London

After you identify what a family therapist can help you with, the next task is when to consult a family therapist London. Just like the benefits, you can find several reasons why a therapist must be consulted. These can be:

  • Family members face difficult in performing tasks together. This can be due to poor self-belief in the other. 

  • Members of the family show extreme reactions over the simplest of things and occasions. 

  • Communication barriers can be a reason to consult a family counselor. These barriers do not allow members to mingle with each other. 

  • When family members find satisfaction in living a life away from the family. This can be a continuation of the above point where a communication barrier exists. 

  • When a sense of helplessness and hopelessness prevails among family members. 

  • Often when children show a behavioral change in schools and you cannot figure out the reasons. Mostly, something inside the family prompts such behavior among them. 

  • Other reasons can include the use of substances among family members. 

Family therapy is a great way of exploring and finding solutions for family problems. Mostly, family problems are interlinked among family members. And counseling sessions involving them cool the air and often allow each member to look after the other. 


What are the Types of Family Therapies?

Family therapy is further divided into different subcategories. These include supportive family therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic ideas, and systematic family therapy. 

Supportive Family Therapy: Where members of family are provided a safe environment to openly share thoughts.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Where members are guided to change their habits of managing and facing problems.

Psychodynamic Ideas Therapy: This sort of therapy focuses on incautious processes for treatment.

Systematic Family Therapy: This therapy deals with how the actions and behavior of one implies to entire family, especially during crisis or troubling periods.

How Long is the Session of Family Therapy?

A single-family therapy session ranges from 50 minutes to 1 hour. Also, this type of therapy is a short course. Hence, at most, you will find 12 sessions for such a therapy.

How Many Family Therapy Sessions are Required?

Normally, a family therapy session number is predicted considering the nature of the issue. The number of sessions can increase and decrease. On average, there happen to be 12 family therapy sessions. 

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